Short & Long Sleeves
Button Downs & Polos
Plaids & Stripes
Logoed & Plain
Tees & Dress
Collareds & V-Necks
Sweaters & Sweatshirts
Rec League Jerseys & Company Shirts
...and a whole bunch more.
Here's a pic of my closet at the start of this adventure.
The oldest shirt i have on record is from the 9th grade, 1991. It was the shirt I wore on the first day of school and I just know I was fresh. There's a good story behind that shirt that I can't wait to tell, but all in due time.
So here's the deal, I have a closet that is too full and I want some new shirts. I have about 110 shirts hanging in my closet and another 30-40 neatly folded away in my drawers. With that many shirts, before I can add to the collection I must first purge and I want you all to take that journey with me.
The plan is to wear all of the shirts in my closet and drawers and make a decision on what to keep, donate, burn in effigy, or frame it and put it on the wall. In fact, I want you to help me decide with your comments.
When I post my shirt for the day, let me know if it's:
"A Keeper" - you want to see me in it don't you
"Worth Donating" - you think it would look much better on someone else
Time to "Burn Baby Burn" - you wonder why are you wasting space and my time with that crap
Time to "Frame It" - your fist thought is Oh SNAP, that shirt is Def (btw, why are you thinking in 80's slang)
Happy reading