Brand: Enyce
Shirt Name: The Beige Tee
Year Purchased: 2006-ish
Guess what, this is another shirt that I bought because of the brand name. Yup a common theme for me. I bought clothes because of the brand name. Then I spend so much time trying to pretend I don't even what brand I'm wearing. You know, when someone says "nice shirt, who makes it?" My response is generally, "man [woman], I don't know. I don't pay attention to brands I just pick something out of the closet." All the while deep down I'm like you better recognize. Hell yeah I'm wearing [INSERT BRAND NAME HERE]!
All that said, here is a shirt that I rock for brand purposes only. Honestly, I don't love this shirt but it is in my regular rotation. I wear it to work (one of the benefits of working for a .com), to play basketball (ok, it's been a while), and on weekends.
So, what do you think?
What should I do with this shirt?
Please use the voting buttons to tell me if I should Keep, Donate, Burn, or Frame it.