Brand: Polo Ralph Lauren
Shirt Name: The Island Polo
Year Purchased: 2006
First things first, Happy Birthday Brian (my youngest brother). I blog this shirt in honor of you and your sense of style.
My friends, I am on Vacation! No really I am. I'm sitting in a hotel in sweltering Washing DC in the summer so what better thing to write about than a summery Hawaiian style polo shirt from well Polo. For this shirt, I really cannot remember why I bought it. I know it wasn't for a trip to the Caribbean although that would have been a good reason. Actually, I think I bought it because I really liked it. Or at least liked the brand. I know, old story, Mike has brand envy so he's loaded up his closet with all of the brands he wanted as a kid...blah blah blah. I'll spare you the brand fascination details here but you can read more about them in my posts for Shirt #5 and Shirt #6.
To be honest, I'm not in love with this shirt, but I do throw it on every once in a while just because. Because what you ask? I don't know, just accept it. I will say however that I do look good in blue. Hmm...maybe I like this one after all. It does fit me well unlike the shirts that I own that are too small or too big. I really don't have that many shirts that fit me just right.
So, what do you think?
What should I do with this shirt?
Please use the voting buttons to tell me if I should Keep, Donate, Burn, or Frame it.
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