Brand: HB SPORT by Harbor Bay
Shirt Name: Harbor Bay® Black Flannel Sport Shirt
Year Purchased: 2000
When Y2K became Y2-Nothing reality set in. I've gotta dress like the other folk I work with, you know, the professionals. See I worked for and we were somewhere between the finance world of gray suits and the .com world of t-shirts. That combination produced a lot of plaids, polo's and in some rare and odd circumstances turtlenecks. Ha...ha...ha, turtlenecks make me laugh. Well since polo's are too preppy I stocked up on plaid. What a misguided soul I was. Fortunately I have come to realize that it's not about the clothes, but the man which means that I make everything look cool.
This is a classic plaid shirt. If you are going to have plaid in your wardrobe you have to have a red plaid. Since it's flannel I have also been known to wear it as a light jacket so it is quite versatile. I know, it's not very NYC, but hey I make this shirt look good don't I?
So, what do you think?
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