Brand: Calvin Klein Jeans
Shirt Name: Shirt Calvin Klein Jeans Black Eagle T-Shirt
Year Purchased: 2008
If you read my last post you already know that I am drawn to the brand name. Don't be surprised that I went out and purchased a Calvin Clein product just be surprised that they actually had somehting in my size. All jokes aside, this is a classic t-shirt. Yeah, I know you usually expect to see a form fitting shirt so this is a bit on the big side but it give me good room to breathe.
My one qualm about this shirt is that it has that faded look. Like it's been through the dryer a few too many times. But I promise you I bought it like that. Thanks to my momma I am one helluva clothes washer. If there was a nationwide clothes washing competition I'm guaranteeing a top 5 finish. I wash clothes so good one time back in high school I took my sock off to show off my four toes (yup I'm missing one) and all they could do was admire how white my sock was...but I digress.
I've only had this shirt for a couple of years, so it still has a lot of wear left. I picked this shirt up on one of my many Rochester Clothing runs. Big shout to Rochester Clothing! You do a good job of outfitting big men across the globe. So far I've been to your stores in NYC, Cali, Seattle, and London.
What should I do with this shirt?
Please use the voting buttons to tell me if I should Keep, Donate, Burn, or Frame it.
Keep it for posterity. Let succeeding generations see your antique Calvin Klein Jeans T-Shirt.