Brand: Eckō Unlimited, Since 1972
Shirt Name: Eckō Unltd. Navy Crown and Sword Tee
Year Purchased: 2006
Have you ever noticed all these clothing companies that have a "Since [some year]" in their brand name? How is it that the Eckō brand has been around since 1972? The brand was founded in 1996 for Pete's sake (who is pete by the way?) Some might argue that since the founder, Marc Ecko, was born in 1972 that put the whole program in motion. Well if you're going to use that logic then wouldn't you use the night that he was concieved? Even still, the man was born Marc Milecofsky (bless you) so it can't be since 1972 because that person did not exist. This marks the end of the rant portion of this broadcast, we now return you to the regularly scheduled program.
Ok, so this shirt is a bit of weekend Mike. The logo down the left side is raised and textured (I know, cool huh) and for some reason I feel a bit weird about wearing it to work. I'm a super casual dude, but this one is almost too casual so this just becomes a weekend shirt. I probably picked this shirt up at the Burlington Coat Factory because I am cheap and have no problem wearing last year's style. Over the years I've done plenty of shopping there. Such great bargains if you are willing to weed through lots of crap. Then you find a jewel like this shirt.
So, what do you think?
What should I do with this shirt?
Please use the voting buttons to tell me if I should Keep, Donate, Burn, or Frame it.
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